I would like to
Report a payment fraud or fraud attempt
Please contact our client services team on +44 (0)1624 645000 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (UK time), excluding UK public holidays.
Between 8pm and 8am (UK time), weekends and UK public holidays, please call our fraud hotline: +44 (0)20 8167 3223.
Report a lost / stolen Visa card or fraudulent Visa transaction
Please contact our 24/7 Visa card hotline on +44 (0)1624 645111.
Know more about electronic identity verification
From time to time Nedbank Private Wealth will be obliged to update the identity documentation it holds on behalf of its clients. You may have recently received an email from us requesting you provide updated identification documentation such as a Passport or Driver Licence.
We recognise conventional methods for providing identity documents can be time consuming and inconvenient for clients. Our online identity verification service now gives you the option to use a secure, convenient and quick method to provide your identity verification documents online. All you need is your identity documents, a mobile phone, tablet or computer and access to the internet.
To provide this service safely and securely we have partnered with Onfido, a leading provider of online identity verification. Onfido uses sophisticated techniques to assess whether your government issued identification document is genuine.
The service is easy to use – simply open the link provided in the email we send you and follow the instructions. This can be done by using a mobile phone, tablet or computer. It should only take a few minutes to verify your identity and it’s entirely online. You can start the process and finish it later if you don’t have your documents to hand.
Should you require any further assistance please contact our client services team who will be delighted to help with any queries you may have. Please contact them on +44 (0)1624 645000 or at [email protected].
Know more about our Visa secure information
Click here to find out more about security for online shopping.
Apply for an account
Our application forms are available in the literature downloads section.
The requested information and documentation to identify you, and your instructions, help us to make your account as secure as possible. It is important that you supply as much detail as possible.
For all applications, please ensure that you enclose the following documents:
- Your fully completed and signed application form
- Supporting identification and verification documents
- For London account applications, a UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme information form
- W-9 forms to be completed for any US national/resident
- Relevant W forms for US trading
Please refer to our identification and verification documents guide to ensure your application is accompanied by the correct supporting identification documentation.
Apply for Online Wealth Services / access the mobile app
Please visit our online access page for information about our Online Wealth Services and mobile app.
Know more about tax reporting
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS) aims are to combat tax evasion, and the regulations make it compulsory for all financial institutions, including Nedbank Private Wealth, to collect certain information and report this to the relevant authorities.
Find out more about FATCA and CRS, as well our obligations and what we require from clients here.
See interest and lending rates
Please click here to access the last published rates for Nedbank Private Wealth’s current accounts as well as lending rates.
About the depositor compensation schemes
Make a complaint
If for any reason you feel we have fallen short of the level of service you expect, please let us know. We will then rectify the problem as soon as possible, undertaking appropriate measures to prevent the problem from happening again.
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction and you would like to make an official complaint, please follow the process set out in our complaints guide.

Frequently asked questions
What do I do if I forget my username and/or password?
Please contact our client services team, who will be able to identify you through a series of security questions and reconfirm your username.
A temporary password can also be assigned to you, giving you the opportunity to log on and change it to something more memorable.
Our client services team can be called on +44 (0)1624 645000 from Monday to Friday, between 8am and 8pm (UK time), with the exception of UK public holidays.
In which currencies can I bank and invest?
We can offer our services in any of the world’s major currencies and provide a Visa Platinum debit card in Sterling, Euro and US Dollars. Where required, a foreign exchange service is available, with no minimum or maximum transaction value.
How do I deposit and gain access to my money?
Bank transfers and cheques are the only accepted forms of deposits.
For withdrawals, Sterling accounts can have standing orders and direct debits set up for regular payments within the British Isles.
Our mobile app or online wealth service are the quickest and most secure routes to make payments, transfers and exchange currencies. More information is available here.
Our Visa Platinum debit cards allow you to make purchases and cash withdrawals.
Is (are) my money / investments safe?
Our operations are based in established and reputable banking centres and are licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority for banking and investment business, the Jersey Financial Services Commission to carry on deposit-taking and investment business, and the London office is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
If you are holding investments with us through our custody and nominee service, or our discretionary investment management services, your investments are held outside Nedbank Private Wealth within a nominee company. This means your assets are securely ring fenced in such a manner as to clearly indicate that they do not belong to Nedbank Private Wealth.
Accounts with our Isle of Man office are protected by the Isle of Man Depositors’ Compensation Scheme.
Accounts with our London office are protected by the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Accounts with our Jersey office are protected by the Jersey Depositors’ Compensation Scheme.
How financially robust is Nedbank Private Wealth?
Nedbank Private Wealth is well capitalised and retains levels of capital well above regulatory minimum requirements. It has a low risk balance sheet with no debt servicing obligations and high levels of liquidity.
Our approach to liquidity management is very conservative, benefitting from a strong portfolio of high quality negotiable instruments. Cash placements with third party banks are generally for periods no greater than seven days and Nedbank Private Wealth liquidity is very strong.
We apply a policy of very limited lending (sometimes referred to as deposit upstreaming) to our parent and also restrict the size of our money market exposures with other major financial institutions. All such exposures are only made with banks that are considered systemically important either globally or within their own geographic regions, and consequently are subject to much higher supervisory expectations and are required to have full resolution planning in place (“resolution” is the restructuring of a bank by a resolution authority through the use of resolution tools in order to safeguard public interests, including the continuity of the bank’s critical functions, financial stability and minimal costs to taxpayers). This ensures diversity of risk on behalf of our clients and individual exposures therefore remain extremely modest given the scale of our balance sheet and reserves.
Please note that these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) aim to give general information about our operations, products and services, and are not intended to be an invitation or solicitation to buy. More information on the legal and regulatory business requirements is available here.